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Kami Jacobsen

Chief Executive Officer

Kami Jacobsen is an experienced program leader with broad business experience encompassing sales, marketing, and operations. Her career has spanned large Fortune 500 companies and early-stage start-ups in the medical device arena where she has directed and managed teams to successful outcomes. Her most recent emphasis has been in commercializing products and managing expansion initiatives to increase sales, specifically for companies focused on the early detection and treatment of breast cancer.

Kami spent the past 10 years in a variety of roles calling on radiologists, radiation oncologists and breast surgeons in hospitals and freestanding clinics. Her expertise also includes marketing, launching new products, and creating case studies. In addition, she has managed 2 clinical patient registries, supporting physicians in publishing scientific abstracts and articles.

Kami received her Master in Business Administration from Pepperdine University in California and graduated with a BA from Brigham Young University.