Ellen Marshall, MBA
Director of Client Success
Ellen Marshall is an Organization and Program Management leader whose experience is punctuated with diverse accomplishments in health care policy, professional education, and health and social service programming. Ellen has held many high-level roles, including Managing Director of the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia (PCOP), a training center for psychoanalysts and psychodynamic psychotherapists, and Vice President for Programs and Health Policy for the Arthritis Foundation, Eastern PA Chapter. She was also a Program Manager with Public Private Ventures (PPV), where she oversaw the implementation of Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), a nurse home visitation program for low-income, first-time mothers. She identified and helped secure a multi-year state contract for PPV and ongoing funding for the program. She also wrote a state-of-the-art manual, which helped NFP sites across the country secure Medicaid. Medical ethics policy that she helped develop was adopted by the AMA and World Medical Association. Ellen holds an MBA from Temple University’s Fox School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Bryn Mawr College.